
Volunteer to work KIWANIS LIGHTS! Fun opportunity!

Sat, 14 Dec 2019
from 4:40pm to 10:00pm

by Mitzi Roberts
Posted: over 4 years ago
Updated: 7 months ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Central Time (US & Canada)
Reminder: None
Ends: 10:00pm (duration is about 5 hours)

Dancers & Parents! Earn money for your nationals, costumes or tuition. For the hours to count, volunteers must be 16 or older. While this is a great family event, due to safety reasons, they highly encourage children attending with the volunteer be at least 12 years of age to be with an adult chaperone.
Saturday Dec 14-we need 8 volunteers to work the park from 4:40-10:00 pm (supper/snacks will be provided) interested volunteers need to RSVP below but only do so if you have full intention of being present. The committee counts on us being there to work the park! We have a limit of 8, but be sure to RSVP if it appears FULL. Sometimes people withdraw at the last minute and we will contact you if space is available.
When working on December 16th volunteers need to meet at the HQ Trailer at 4:40. They will rotate to different areas of the park thought out the night including the warming trailer where they have coffee, hot chocolate, water & snacks. A meal is provided about 6:30 to those work the entire shift. Dress for the season – Hats, gloves, boots, ext. Park outside the park. For the hours to count, volunteers must be 16 or older (be sure to sign in at Head Quarters), but 12 and up can stay with the adult/chaperone.


Sibley Park, Near Bandshell


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Limit: 8 members.

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