Modified MEA & HALLOWEEN schedules

9 Oct by Mitzi Roberts

Hello Dancers & Parents!

We have a couple “big days” coming up and we are going to accommodate and modify the schedule to best serve our dancers.

We know MEA involves a lot of free time, planned sleepovers, trips to the cities etc. For all the Thu/Fri classes-you will not have your regularly scheduled classes during the Thur/Fri of MEA. All Saturday classes will remain on the schedule (no Darby’s Dancers), but feel free to make them up on a different day if you’re busy! For dancers wanting to try a different class or get an extra class in, feel free to attend any of the classes listed on the schedule Thu – Sat!

For those dancers that are sticking around, we have added some fun options to the schedule! This is your chance to try a class that you’ve always wanted to try, or get a bonus master class in. These classes are open to all and there is no charge for them.

Wed (all classes remain as scheduled)
Thu (Open Studio, Studio Rental) Studio A: 4-5 Master Class with Miss Jasmine
Thu Studio B: 3:30-4:30 Ghouls & Goblins (all ages) Imagine That Camp
Thu Studio B: 4:30-5:00 Tiny Tumblers (ages 3-4)
Thu Studio B: 5:00-6:00 Open Tumbling
Thu Studio B: 6:00-7:00 Cirque (intro to silks class) (all ages)
Modified schedule for MEA
For those dancers that have solo or select practices during MEA & HALLOWEEN, please consult with your instructor about either keeping your lessons scheduled, rescheduling it earlier in the day, or even rescheduling it for a different week.
For “open studio” times, there is no charge. Students can practice, make up dances and have fun with friends. Dancers will share the space, and need to be respectful and considerate. For dancers under 10 years old, dancers need to have a guardian wait in the lobby. Please email to rsvp.

From 9:30-4:00 Studio Rental is available on a first come, first serve basis.
If you would prefer to have a studio all to yourself, Studio rental ($15 per hour) is also available, please contact to reserve your spot! First come, first serve.

Halloween Schedule For Halloween (Thu Oct 31) , we will be having a studio wide halloween party from 3:30-4:30 for all dancers to enjoy.